Maging TESDA Iskolar!

Slots are still available for FREE training at Microcadd Institute Inc., through the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP), done in partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

What is TWSP?

Training for Work Scholarship (TWSP)
This program provides immediate interventions to meet the need for highly critical skills. The program has two-fold objectives:
  1. to purposively drive TVET provision to available jobs through incentives and appropriate training programs that are directly connected to existing jobs for immediate employment, both locally and overseas,
  2. to build and strengthen the capacity and capability of TVET institutions in expanding and improving the delivery of quality, efficient and relevant training programs that meet job requirements, including programs for higher levels of technology.
The program was launched in May 2006 with funding from the Office of the President and mainstreamed in the regular budget in 2008. This program is a response to the clamor of industry to address the critical skills shortages in priority sectors, particularly the Business Process Outsourcing, metals and engineering, construction and tourism, among others.
How to avail scholarship at Microcadd?
Applicants should be:
> A high school or senior high school graduate
> At least 18 years old
> NCR resident
Set a schedule for assessment and interview by:
> Calling (02) 913-2212 or 0932-8576942
Classes under the TWSP are conducted WEEKDAYS (Mon-Fri) from 9AM-6PM. Completion of the course may take at least 1 month, depending on the program selected.)


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